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For you created my inmost being; you knot me together in my mother's womb. - Psalms 139:13. People are created with a certain bent and while we are born with a temperament, our personality develops as we grow up and it is affected by the genes we receive from our parents, decisions we make in life, and the effects of family and environment. People are very complicated, and it can be helpful to take personality into account when intereacting with others. People are very different and while we don't want to put people in a box or limit them through labels; we all tend to behave according to our personality/temperaments. We use the term personality and although there are many different versioins of personalities, we like John Trent and Gary Smalley's version of personalities based on animals. Click HERE to view our video discussing personalities. Your differences CAN work together! Click HERE for an article about reconciling your differences.



The Lion is the take charge, do it now sort of person.

The Otter is the outgoing fun loving person. 

The Beaver is the thoughtful, analytical person.

The Golden Retriever is the calm, accomodating person.

Use the resources below and discover your personality and that of your spouse, children, parents, friends and family. It can be a fun and enlightening process to discover your personalities as a family. Through the links and documents below, you should be able to learn your personality and then use that information to improve all of your relationships. Have fun as you discover how you have been created by our God.

Click HERE for a chart to help define the personalities and bring together different verions.

Click HERE for information about the four primary personalities.

Click HERE for more information about the personalities. 

Click HERE for information about intereacting with the personalities.

Click HERE for a chart to help you determine your child's personality and HERE for an aticle about determining your child's personality.

The Wired That Way assessment and books have helped many gain insight into their differences. Click HERE to access all the personality resources available.

The DISC profile is an excellent test and provides a lot of great information about personalities.
      Click HERE for a free DISC test online.

Strong Families provides some excellent information and a free personality test.

Myers-Briggs is a personality standard that sorts individuals into 16 personality types.
      Click HERE for the 16 personalities test.

The Enneagram is another version of personalities that seeks to help us understand ourselves and each other - click HERE for a free Enneagram test.

Place Ministries has a great workbook - Finding Your Place in Ministry that helps discover personality, Spiritual Gifts and much more - great for couples, individuals, youth, older folks - anyone! They also have a lot of free resources.

There are also great books to help you better understand personalities. Check out the books below - click on the book to get more information.